SAT Mystery

Lynn Rosenberg
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 04:04:15 -0500

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Well, I am going to open a panderers box.  If you can tune by ear, why =
would you even consider purchasing such a device??? I don't think it is =
any faster, and I chip pianos as I string them, and after 3 tunings, in =
the first sitting, the piano is stable.  Lynn Rosenberg

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Walter Gramza=20
  Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 4:43 PM
  Subject: Re: SAT Mystery

  One should be able to tune by ear prior to purchasing the sat even =
Albert Sanderson states that.  All you guys that use these machines if =
the batteries went while tuning what would you do????? Or if the lights =
went out you would be up a creek without a paddle!!!!At 05:37 PM 12/9/00 =
-0500, you wrote:=20

    Had finished installing new strings on 6' grand piano and had =
chipped them=20
    close to pitch.=20

    Got out my trusty SAT Accutuner II and started at middle C, =
intending to work=20
    down and then up.  Accutuner worked fine until I got to Bb (2).  =
Then it=20
    wouldn't register the note.  I tried moving the tuner, recalibrating =
the FAC=20
    numbers, trying a different grand piano stored tuning.  Nothing =
worked. =20
    Still registered fine above Bb(2)=20

    In experimenting I found that the lights stopped when I tuned Bb(2) =
    1/2 step flat (in other words to A2) and all the other noted below =
Bb(2) the=20
    same 1/2 step flat.  I went ahead and tuned the bass by ear and then =
    up the piano using the same generic grand tuning I had stored in the =

    accutuner.  When I got to Bb(5) exactly the same thing happened.  I =
    the treble using the old fashioned but reliable "ear" method.=20

    When I finished this piano I went to a Baldwin Studio piano in the =
    church and the accutuner worked perfectly.  Went back to the grand =
again and=20
    had the same problem.=20

    Are you on line Dr Sanderson or Ric B.?  Or anybody that can solve =

    Thanks and Happy holidays to all=20

    Dick Day=20
    Marshall MI=20

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