what is the best temperament?

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:50:16 +0100

Ok.... Where are you from then Martin... looks like Finland by your email address, but your name doesnt sound particularilly

We have been through this many times, and despite some good correspondance alternatives, the best way to learn is to get yourself a
competent teacher.  Contact your local association first. See what they have to say. Bang on some doors and keep banging til you
get through. But do this only if you are indeed serious about learning a profession.

martin store wrote:

> Iīm new to the list.
> how many different temperations are there??? and what are the best ways of doing them?
> i donīt know what temperament to learn. what would be the best one and how should i practise?
> im a newbie.
> are there any instructions on how to set a temperament? i know one way of doing it but people say that there are better ones...
> please help me.,  i wanīt to learn to tune a piano properly!!!
> martin

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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