Hallet, Davis & Co. Maker?

N Luehrmann n_luehrmann@hotmail.com
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:48:06 -0600


Its my understanding that Davis Hallet pianos are made by Samick, but sold 
by Hyundai and are the same as Maeari which is also sold by Hyundai.  In 
fact, I don't think Hyundai actually makes any pianos, not even ones with 
Hyundai on the fallboard, they are just a distributor.

I would guess, considering Davis Hallet's prices that they are very similar, 
if not stencils of Samicks basic "SG" series of grands.

Nils Luehrmann

>From: "Farrell" <mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com>
>Reply-To: pianotech@ptg.org
>To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
>Subject: Re: Hallet, Davis & Co. Maker?
>Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:08:15 -0500
>Because of the nature of what I am looking into here (gross deceipt at a
>minimum) do we have anyone else with knowledge where a "Hallet, Davis &
>Company, Boston" would have been manmfactured within the last year or two?
>Phil Ryan suggested it was made by Hyundai. Are we pretty sure on this? The
>piano scale is divided into only three sections, and the tail is real wide.
>No name on plate.

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