Time for another list?

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 01:24:29 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew M. Rudoff <andy@rudoff.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: Time for another list?

> So my advice is the same as always:  delete what you don't want,
> use filters and thread-wise delete features in your mail readers
> to organize the content and skip what you don't want to see.
> If we did locate a willing moderator, I would renew my suggestion
> that pianotech be the "raw" list that everyone posts to, and the
> moderator would draw from that content to produce a second list.
> People wanting to watch the raw content would use pianotech,
> people who only wanted to see the moderator's view of useful
> content would use pianotech-m (or whatever we called it).
> -andy

The idea of a second list is appealing.  I think some people would be on the
"raw" list, some people on the "selected" list and some people on both.  It
seems rather than sifting though the raw list, those on the raw list wishing
to have their post on the select list either cross post or post directly to
the select list.  Since the raw list wouldn't be concerned about volume, the
select list could be posted back.
    Since select list would have to be moderated, a digest form would take
much less of a volunteer's time.   It would be a matter of deciding how
often the "M" list should come out.  Once a day, once every two days, twice
a day?   I suppose it depends on how select the list would be.
    Several people on the list and in the Chats have offered that the total
useful technical information comming each day is one two or three posts or
could be condensed to that.  Perhaps being snow bound in South Dakota I
might have enough time to sift through a day or two mail to see how true
this is.
If stuff were left out that we should already know, like what is in Reblitz,
Braid White, any of the other fine books available today, and perhaps extend
that to technical manuals it could be low volume.   Pretty dull perhaps but
it would be technical and pertinant with clear subject lines kept in
sensible threads. (if that is possible) condensed and edited for gross
errors, run through a spell checker perhaps, (every thing would have to be
cut and pasted anyway).  A system of archiving would have to be agreed on.
    If there is an interest for a moderated list, let the people who are
interested speak up, start mailing to each other using Cc: set up a trial
list, see how it goes.  At least it might be interesting for two or three of
us to take up the challange and present what they think is pertinant for a
technical list from the posts since say Dec 9 - 10.  Ummm those were two
exceptional days for tech info, Maybe 7-8, or 11-12.  for a more
representative sample? ---Ric

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