SAT Mystery

Sun, 10 Dec 2000 22:32:53 EST

Kevin wrote;
<<"If you're doing a lot of chipping, I would suggest getting the external
speaker for the SAT, that will give you an audio tone which you can use
(with offsets and all) with a stored tuning.">>

 You are correct in that the external speaker works very well for chipping, 
that is what I use and it is verrrry convenient :-)....but it must be used on 
the generic tuning, or the "page 0" tuning, as John R. phrased it, to be 
 With the speaker plugged in, and the SAT set on a "stored" tuning, you can 
hear a jump at around 1.5 octaves below middle C and 1.5 octaves above middle 
C. This jump is to various partials of the note being tuned and is not useful 
for aural chipping or tuning. That is why the SAT just sat there "blank" when 
Dick D. tried to use it to chip with. That is also the reason why the SAT 
worked on his regular tuning's frustrating. :-)

 Hopefully someone more solidly based in the technical aspects of the SAT 
will jump in and straighten us all out.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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