SAT Mystery

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 19:41:52 -0800

If you're doing a lot of chipping, I would suggest getting the external
speaker for the SAT, that will give you an audio tone which you can use
(with offsets and all) with a stored tuning. Also, when chipping, or tuning
a really really out of tune piano, always use your ears too, even if it's
only playing octaves down into the low bass. Sometimes you can stop the
lights, and have an  octave that is really a ninth, because the machine
picks up the seventh partial instead of the sixth. ( I think I said that
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: SAT Mystery

> Dick Day wrote;
> <<" ........................Or anybody that can solve this
> mystery.">>
> Dick;
>  I have tried doing the same thing that you don't work. :-)
> Stored tunings in the SAT have something stored for that tuning but it is
> partial rather than the I understand it. Thus the SAT may
> tell you something that you don't understand but it demands that what you
> tell it be understandable. In other words a 'stored tuning' can't be used
> chipping purposes or even for vast movements of the strings such as in the
> first tuning on a new set of strings. In order for the SAT to give you
> accurate readings that you can understand the tuning has to be closer than
> you will find in a typical first tuning.
>  The way to use the SAT to get in the ballpark on the 'first' tuning is
> use the generic semi chromatic tuning that pops up after you push the
> button right after turning th unit on. Tune through one time with that and
> then the 'stored tunings' will work just fine. I usually tune thingees
> on the 'generic' tuning before calculating FAC numbers for that particular
> instrument. After FAC numbers are figured I store that tuning in a page I
> for rebuilding and use it from then on. Why does this seem to work ? I
> know...... but it seems like Dr. Coleman explained that the 'generic'
> button uses the fundemental only ?
> Jim Bryant (FL)

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