good ears

Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:04:55 -0600

Hi Ron,

On French Horn almost *any* note can be played with *any* fingering. That
is why they must develop *good* ears. 

At 07:40 PM 12/09/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>>Hi Ron,
>>I thought the thread was about what instrument created the best ears. Not
>>which instrument should be a pitch standard. And the reason the piano is
>>the default standard is simply that rarely is the pianist a piano tuner. 
>>As far as tuning it to the violin--that is exactly what happens in a string
>>orchestra. In a full orchestra the obeo gets the nod. Unless they are using
>>the piano for a concerto--then they use it.
>Hi Don,
>Yea, I know, and I was mostly just being difficult, but tuning the
>instrument for the ear training does require a pitch source and, I would
>imagine, a closely defined interval series. How does that work with a
>violin? And a french horn isn't exactly a fixed pitch instrument either, or
>is it? Can't the pitch of any single note played be altered somewhat by
>playing technique? That was my point, as well as just being a nuisance. For
>pitch recognition, shouldn't the pitches presented be as close to absolute
>as possible? Also, back to the intent of the thread, I wonder if people
>detect pitch more accurately with a narrow harmonic spectrum source, or a
>more broad and complex one.
>Ron N

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

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