spray painted strings

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:09:38 -0500

Were any strings ever spray-painted before being installed in the piano?  That
would fit your criteria, although I think some of the paint would fleck off in
the stringing process, and I don't know if any piano manufacturers actually did


kam544@flash.net wrote:

> List,
> I have often wondered something and was reminded again of that something by
> a 1909 Hardman grand piano I picked up last week.
> Occassionally, in running across older grand pianos like this, there is
> evidence that someone has spray? painted the strings gold in the tuning pin
> area.  Even the coils of the strings are gold colored.
> So my wondering is: How in the world does someone get the coils of the
> strings gold colored, but nary a speck of gold paint on the tuning pins
> themselves?
> Keith McGavern
> Registered Piano Technician
> Oklahoma Chapter 731
> Piano Technicians Guild

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