SAT Mystery

Pianotoone@AOL.COM Pianotoone@AOL.COM
Sat, 9 Dec 2000 17:37:25 EST

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Had finished installing new strings on 6' grand piano and had chipped them 
close to pitch.

Got out my trusty SAT Accutuner II and started at middle C, intending to work 
down and then up.  Accutuner worked fine until I got to Bb (2).  Then it 
wouldn't register the note.  I tried moving the tuner, recalibrating the FAC 
numbers, trying a different grand piano stored tuning.  Nothing worked.  
Still registered fine above Bb(2)

In experimenting I found that the lights stopped when I tuned Bb(2) exactly 
1/2 step flat (in other words to A2) and all the other noted below Bb(2) the 
same 1/2 step flat.  I went ahead and tuned the bass by ear and then started 
up the piano using the same generic grand tuning I had stored in the 
accutuner.  When I got to Bb(5) exactly the same thing happened.  I finished 
the treble using the old fashioned but reliable "ear" method.

When I finished this piano I went to a Baldwin Studio piano in the same 
church and the accutuner worked perfectly.  Went back to the grand again and 
had the same problem.

Are you on line Dr Sanderson or Ric B.?  Or anybody that can solve this 

Thanks and Happy holidays to all

Dick Day
Marshall MI

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