Replacement Casters

Roger Jolly
Sat, 09 Dec 2000 10:14:50 -0600

Hi John,
            I wonder if Yamaha has any of the older  composite type casters
that was used on the P2's.
I've never encountered a damaged set.   Nor have I had a tech request a
set.  Call Ron.G.
We must have 100's of them in schools, churches, bars and hotels,and
Since the P22 is made in the US, they use the standard Darnell caster sets.
So make sure you ask for Japanese made casters.  The material is a lot
harder than the rubber, and the shaft and bearings are superior.
Lang may ye lum reek.  It's a wee bitty cald here.

At 11:32 AM 09/12/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi List,
>Thank you to all who replied.
>I am going to see if Schaff will approach the manufacturer, about
>the possibility of being able to purchase, just the rubber tire, that
>breaks up. The rest of the caster seems, to be undamaged, so this
>would seem to be a worthwhile approach.
>I intend to indicate to schools and the like, the limitations of these 
>casters, and to the possible use of proper dolly casters, or a dolly, for 
>frequent moves.
>John M. Ross,
>Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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