Replacement Casters & New Tool

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 23:25:35 -0600

>Hi List,
>I have had my second school, complain of the replacement double
>rubber wheel casters, splitting.
>The supplier tells me he has had no complaints from anyone else.
>The schools insist that there was no rough moving involved. (Naturally)
>They had been installed less than a year before.
>Has anyone else had this problem?

Hi John,
Like Wim said, casters aren't intended for cross country moving, and they
need a set of dollies for such things. I have cleaned up after altogether
too many high speed ramp jump attempts across school thresholds which left
these nice double wheel rubber casters in the hall, with the piano in a
shallow rut in the room on the other side of the threshold, but I've never
seen the casters lose tread in the process. They bend, but the rubber hangs
in there. I have, however, seen the pianos shed fallboard knobs, toe
blocks, and legs in the process. I also know of one that fell on it's back
and squashed some kid's foot when the "in place spin" was attempted without
prior instruction. Is there any trace of gravel in the halls, by some chance?

Ron N

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