Signature card

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 22:59:32 -0600

At 10:43 PM 12/08/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>    This was a good idea! I like the idea of the e-mail address in the
>signature of your post. I know you can get it from the header but this
>is better no?
>Greg Newell

No no NO! The .vcf attachment is so much less than better, it's downright
nasty. These wretched little vermin accumulate with incremental numeric
designations on hard drives all around the world, replicating with each
successive post. They are a digital form of herpes, and a veritable pox
upon the landscape. Please don't do this on/to the list. The e-mail link on
the signature is a much better way to go (maybe), though I can't really
verify that it works for replies. I just copy the poster's e-mail address
over the pianotech address for private replies, and manage to stagger
through the process with minimal psychological trauma. For me, at least,
this vcf thing is a fix looking for a malfunction, that produces it's own
when no other is evident. KISS is more than an acronym, it's a philosophy
for life.
Just say no. It's not that technically insurmountable to figure out how to
post a private reply. One can always rent a 13 year old for ten minutes if
all else fails.

Ron N

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