100 messages!!!! Overhead way too high!

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 09:08:11 -0500

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At 12:02 AM 12/08/2000 +0100, you wrote:

>I have to go through this like process to just reply to the "From" fellow. 
>I suppose most email programs are basically the same in this regard. When 
>I punch the reply button I dont get a choice... it just goes to the list.
>Now if anyone out there has a way of bypassing this obstacle... I would 
>appreciate hearing it

In the headers, is the address of the author.
Highlight this address and <copy>
Hit <reply>
Highlight new addressee in the reply post and hit <paste>

This will replace the list's address with the author's address.

An easy way to separate mail is with filters. I have different mail boxes
setup so that each post is directed to them. This way all personal mail
is in the 'IN' box and all pianotech posts are in the 'PIANOTECH' box.
Then there's:
MPT (piano talklist)
E-GROUP John Musslewhite's list)
MMD (Mechanical Music Digest)

It's all presorted.

Then I have <archive mail boxes> which stores the posts which i want to 
keep for
future referrence, this way the 'in' boxes do not get cluttered or lengthy.

Mail Management, Eudora makes it easy.


Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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