hearing aid

Joe & Penny Goss imatunr@primenet.com
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:57:14 -0700

Not a like experience,but I am a totally deaf piano tuner.
In the left ear that is<G> Born that way.
Joe Goss

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Carwithen <edwithen@oregontrail.net>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 4:39 PM
Subject: hearing aid

> Dear List:
> Having lost part of the upper frequencies in my left ear, thanks to small
> band rooms and large bands, a particularly loud trumpeter who sat behind
> in orchestra for 16 years, and general lack of care...
>  I recently obtained a hearing aid to assist in boosting those frequencies
> that were weak.  Mind, I only wear one, as the right ear seems to be doing
> just fine, thank you.
>   It does seem to help in conversation.  Music I'm not as sure.
>   Tuning with it seems to be a problem.  Those boosted high frequencies
> give the strings a very jagged, jangly sound that is extremely offensive.
> I had done a grand for a program last week without the hearing aid; when I
> heard the piano on the program with the aid I couldn't believe how
> it sounded.
>   Tuned a baldwin spinet today.  Started with the aid in, but the sound
> so discordant that I removed it, and continued to tune with much less
> difficulty. The aid amplifies the higher partials so much that the
> fundamental is obscured.
>   Anyone else out there with hearing aid(s) that can relate to what I am
> saying?  I have tried different amplification strength, but still not sure
> but what I am doing better without than with.  What do you say????
> Ed Carwithen
> John Day, OR

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