list message
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 17:43:11

Eeeem...a question for you here....if youre not on the come you can write in it and also see the "quibbles" on it :)))))
Thanks anyway, that Minesota/your mom thingy made me smile abit. Been there...done that ;)


Hej, Maria! I am not on the list, nor do I tune. My mom is an "akta" Swede. 
I studied the language for a couple of years at U of Minnesota. My degree 
is in Linguistics. It's too bad the situation was so frustrating for you. 
Please remember that the ones who get upset over the "little" words are 
usually not the same ones making the dirty movies. I find the innocent 
lapsus linguae quite entertaining myself and our family has laughed 
uproariously over some of my mom's mistakes (she laughs too). Hopefully 
everyone will just drop it now and the list can go merrily on. I've noticed 
it won't take them long to find something else to quibble about! 
Lars Johnson 
Rochester, MN 


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