
Roger Jolly
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 09:29:14 -0600

Hi Ron,
            We had one or two C3's in class rooms at the University with
some what similar problems.
We filled the screw holes with thin epoxy, a light coat of machine oil on
the screws, reassembled and no more problems.  The material of the rim, (
select hardwood) is fairly soft. Once the screws start to strip your only
choice is to plug or epoxy.  The lids I think are fiber board with a select
hardwood strip for the screws of the hinge. Same problems with the music
desk hinges.
CF111 rims are made of a harder material.
Now the candy wrappers, pencils, coffee cup stains, and what ever else you
can think of.  Well Mr. Nobody did it.  We have another girl in the
department called, Just Happened, haven't had a chance to talk to her
either.  So these things remain a mystery.   I wonder if they transfered to
Have a good day
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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