Tuning an Autoharp

Ray T. Bentley Ray@Bentley.net
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 08:35:33 -0600

I regularly tune my sister-in-law's autoharp when I do her piano.  I used to
use the Hale Electrofork for it with excellent results.  Now I do a blank
tuning (with no stretch) in RCT and tune it with that.  It works well.  BTW,
that blank tuning works well on electronic organs, too.

I also did some work on an old school Autoharp several years ago.  It was
way flat.  I tuned it several times, only bringing it to pitch each time.
It worked out well.  They aren't hard to tune.  There is usually a sticker
with the musical notation for each string somewhere on the Autoharp.

Good luck.

Ray T. Bentley, RPT
Alton, IL

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