1905 Steinway D

Vanderhoofven dkvander@janics.com
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 08:23:16 -0600

At 11:03 PM 12/6/00, you wrote:

>The local Bible College has a 1905 Steinway D.


>1. What's it worth as is?

Our local college has an 1898 Steinway D in daily use.  It currently needs 
a new board, pinblock, finish and action.  A few years ago I was told that 
it was worth at least $8,000.00 as is.

>2.What's your guess on price of reconditioning the action?
>3.What's it going to be worth when it is completed?
>I understand the variables that play into this, but a ball park is what =
>they are after.
>Thanks for your input.
>Paul Chick

I can't answer the other questions for you.

Best Wishes!

David A. Vanderhoofven
Joplin, MO

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