Burnout/not excusable language

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 23:15:13 +0000

At 14:57 6.12.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/6/2000 5:27:08 AM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time,
>istuner@islandia.is writes:
>>P.S.  I still think you´re doing a good job trying to hold up the standards
>>here, but it´s really simple.  If you wan´t a clear-cut format, you have to
>>get a moderator.  Even chat rooms have moderators, in which the moderator
>>throws out people if their chatting is out of line.  That´s the only way
>>you´ll get what you´re striving for.  Resistance is futile.  Go with the
>I can't agree with this last paragraph.  Why should the PTG spend extra money
>(I would presume this would be necessary for having a "Moderator").  What
>ever happened to self-control?  So simple and so universal.  Self control and
>professional attitude.  Doctors and Piano Tuners can (and do, I'm sure) speak
>any way they wish amongst themselves in informal settings.  Dinner, hallway,
>casual meeting, and on and on.  But in meeting the public or expressing
>yourself to other professionals (on this list) who feel inappropriate
>language is not acceptable, then a dash of self control and professional
>discipline is absolutely necessary.
>If you were being interviewed for a job, would you resort to your "casual"
>language choices, or would you be a bit extra careful to exhibit restraint
>and a degree of professionalism.    Give this list the same courtesy and
>respect and you will get it in return, I am certain.
>If we do not insist upon this standard as a profession, then who is to do
>this for us?
>In the world of advertising, repetition of a point is a necessity for that
>point to finally come across.  On this list, slow progress can and will be
>made if there is always some voice out there repeating what is expected of
>each of us as professionals.  I will continue to express my strong feelings
>about this because I think more people will become more aware of measuring
>the words they write and speak.  This does not negate levity, casualness or
>informal discussion-that is not my intent at all.  Just an awareness of good
>language and respectful communication.
>Most sincerely,
>Bob Bergantino


Extremely well put, all of this is right, (nearly all I feel) , and all of 
this has been blown up to the umpteenth power of a googol.
It really doesn´t matter.  What´s been said has been said.

May I say,  it´s just a list.  We have lives.

Shakes hands,


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