Burnout/not excusable language

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 23:09:25 +0000

At 18:23 6.12.2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Kristinn wrote:
>Hey, Kristinn...
>"Puss i ljumsken?!?!?!?" *Ahem* I know that sentence but I really dont use
>it unless its to some one that Im "together with"....I think Ive gotten
>that reply from my ex once or twice but that was it. I wouldnt advice
>anyone just to come here to Sweden and say that to.... like....someone on
>the street or youd get a funny look :D But, yeah, I know what you
>mean....its said in the most friendly/humorous way.

Ahem, sorry... uh, baby... ehm... it´s a cultural difference.  See, *I* 
managed to offend *her*!

>Seriously...I think I see alot of ppl. here on the list with humour...you
>for one.
>Anyways... Thanks for your funny replys, Kristinn.

They´re not funny!!  They´re dead serious.

And as for a technical input since even *I* am getting a bit tired of this,

I tried using ear plugs while tuning the top octaves of a Steinway O, just 
the regular ones from the pharmacy, and I thought they worked OK in octave 
tuning, but didn´t like the results with the unisons.
Meine Frage: How much difference is between those and the custom made plugs?

Puss i whatever you find appropriate,


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