loose hammer heads

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 16:34:57 -0600


    I'm going to have to disagree here. If the piano has gotten to the
point of needing new hammers, I will definitely use new shanks
and probably new hammer butts also. Hence, it doesn't matter.
I'm just not going to waste my time putting new hammers on old
    I've used CA many times on our pianos at the school for loose
hammers and it works great. But, as I said, when the hammers
are replaced, so will everything else be replaced. :-)


At 10:26 PM 12/05/00 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/5/2000 10:02:30 PM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time,
>cedel@supernet.com writes:
>>How would you recommend I reglue these?
>>In pianos where there are just one or two loose, I generally just work
>>it off and reglue.  Is there danger in breaking the butt or flange by
>>doing this?  I think I've heard of turning the action upside down and
>>using the water-thin CA on the loose ones.  I've never done that.
>>Hi Clyde:
>>I wouldn't use the CA method (turning upside down, etc.) but would pop off
>>the loose and/or clicking hammers-presuming you have the correct tools to
>>accomplish this.  I would reglue with yellow or white glue.  I feel CA
>>might make it difficult to remove these hammers at some future date if you
>>were to have to hang new hammers, for instance.
>Bob Bergantino,RPT
>Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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