May Their Practice rooms be filled with 1098's

Richard Brekne
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:12:18 +0100

"David Ilvedson, RPT" wrote:

> Richard,
> I suggest a class for Reno.  If Richard is coming he can demonstrate on a
> 1098 and then we can listen to the results.  It will not be a pretty sight!
> David I.

Sheeshh... I suppose I asked for that one... Listen David.... I am certainly not
the only tuner in the world who doesnt have problems with these 1098's..... the
purpose of my post was not to brag or show off but to contribute with an honest
response. I used to get very frustrated with pianos that have tight pins and it
led me to experiment a lot with my tuning hammer technique. I suggest that
anyone having problems with these pianos try and try again until they find
something that works.

As for tuning for an audience.... I am far to bashfull for that... heck thats
what kept me from being able to play in public. But if you really want or need
to see if I can tune one of these easily enough... then put me in a room with
one for an hour and a half (my standard service interval) and I will tune it.
And I guarantee you it will be pretty enough for you.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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