loose hammer heads

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:11:34 +0100

Clyde Hollinger wrote:

> Friends,
> Today I tuned a school piano, a Yamaha studio model P22, or whatever
> model they called it when it was new back in 1971.  It has many loose
> hammer heads.  How would you recommend I reglue these?

I would have to say that you should reglue these with new glue.    grin.

> In pianos where there are just one or two loose, I generally just work
> it off and reglue.  Is there danger in breaking the butt or flange by
> doing this?  I think I've heard of turning the action upside down and
> using the water-thin CA on the loose ones.  I've never done that.
> Advice?

No.. seriously... take the action and put it on the bench. Remove every
loose head and carefully reglue them after removing old glue from the
shanks holding to the strike line. Mark them with chalk as you go and when
done and glue set, do the rest just to make sure the problem is solved once
and for all.

I do not recommend any quick fix or halfway measure when glue failure
manifests itself to the degree I am reading in your comments. It really
doesnt take so much time to reglue them all on the bench, and you can give
the action a good look over at the same time.

> Regards, Clyde

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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