Burnout/not excusable language

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 07:06:39 +0000

Hello Bob,

>There is no way to determine this writer (Maria) is from another land.

Oh yes, except from her last name and e-mail address, not to mention when 
she introduced herself a few weeks ago.

>   Even if what you imply is true, it is
>still no excuse for her -or you as you so often annoyingly do- to use
>profanity on this list.

I do not use it any more often than done on average by others.  I just have 
style, thatīs all <g>

>This is not a cultural thing- it is a lack of
>cultural thing.

This is xenophobia and quite surprising to me, Bob.  Of course itīs a lack 
of culture... your culture, in fact.  Just like I say, it differs.

>And if she is just now for the first time being made aware
>of it (which I seriously doubt), then I have made a real contribution to
>improving something badly in need of improving.
>To let this pass without comment is called enabling.  I am not an enabler of
>incorrect or boorish behavior.

I admit, when I saw the word "shitty" (which some of us donīt connect to 
actual faeces right away) I knew that all of this was coming, and I myself 
would perhaps used another word.  But thatīs just because Iīve learned from 
Of course itīs appropriate to comment on things you donīt like, but you can 
do it more politely, especially since there is a question of culture.

>You will note several  affirmations to this  have already been forwarded to
>this list.

Yes, but notice the one from Terry Farrell.

>Incidentally, I note people contributing to this list from all over the
>world, but cannot recall their using inappropriate language as you seem to
>feel is  "quite commonly (used) here as slang" (referring to Iceland).

Well, not all people write the same things, even if theyīre foreigners.

>Perhaps that says more about Iceland than you really wanted us to know.

Ooooh, definitely, you sure caught me there!  Truly defines our 1000 year 
society.  I donīt know what to say.
I believe this statement really says more about your attitude than my country.

>Bob Bergantino, RPT
>Willoughby Hills, Ohio

Even more so,


P.S.  I still think youīre doing a good job trying to hold up the standards 
here, but itīs really simple.  If you wanīt a clear-cut format, you have to 
get a moderator.  Even chat rooms have moderators, in which the moderator 
throws out people if their chatting is out of line.  Thatīs the only way 
youīll get what youīre striving for.  Resistance is futile.  Go with the flow.

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