Weird Checks

Tom Cole
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:39:25 -0800

It's nice when people love their pianos but today was a little over the top.

A few days ago, I got a check made out to "Andrew Kohler". I wasn't
wearing my glasses at the time but could make out that the amount was
right and something was scribbled on the signature line; it's probably
okay, I thought. I discovered the error when I got home and promptly
sent her a note along with the incorrectly written check, noting that
this was the first time someone had made payment to the piano instead of
the tuner.

Today, an envelope came back with an apology and a "new" check... made
out to "Andrew Kohler". GAAAAAAAAA!

We'll try this one more once, but this time I cut the check into two
pieces. I'm trying to decide if it would be easier to add "Andrew
Kohler" to my signature card. Anybody else get weird payee names?

Tom Cole(r)

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