loose hammer heads

Susan Kline sckline@home.com
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 21:19:02 -0800

At 05:13 PM 12/05/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Today I tuned a school piano, a Yamaha studio model P22, or whatever
>model they called it when it was new back in 1971.  It has many loose
>hammer heads.  How would you recommend I reglue these?

Hello, Clyde

What I do, if there are, say, up to a dozen loose hammer heads, is
I put a little white glue on the end of my right pinky finger, and
reach under the hammer with it, curling it around the shank, and
reaching up to massage the glue into the joint.

Then I wipe off my finger, check for other loose hammers, tune some
more, etc. After awhile I come back and check the hammers I reglued,
also making sure that no glue has dripped down and glued the hammer
to the hammer rail cloth. If the reglued hammer is still a little
loose, I add more white glue.

Well, I don't know how perfect this approach is, but it works for
me pretty well, and it hardly takes any time at all.

If bridle tapes are making noises, I also sometime squeeze a drop of
white glue (directly from the smallest plastic bottle of Elmer's)
onto the bridle tape where the wire emerges from it.

Great stuff, Elmer's.


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