Average person's perception....

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 21:08:28 -0800

NOw & then when I'm in a social, non-working environment, i'm asked what I 
do for a living. You should see the facial reactions I get when I tell them 
I'm a Piano technician! "Oh", or "that's interesting", or my favorite..and 
this is from a relative who used to know me as an entertainer when I was 
younger: "..Well, as long as YOU like it". I mean, comon! Is our profession 
looked upon with such indifference?? I'll tell ya, The money is good, and i 
work for MYSELF! Great combination, isn't it? For the most part, I can't 
think of anything else i'd rather do...well, almost anything..lol. At least 
my customers appreciate what i do for a living.

P.S. Can anyone please email me privately if they have actual pictures 
(JPEGS) of several different "tuner's Knots" for splicing purposes? I 
currently use and know only ONE type; it works but I have a feeling their 
are easier knots to make that are just as good. Thanks!

Terry Peterson
Associate Member PTG
Los Angeles, CA

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