Surviving the daily grind

Clyde Hollinger
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 17:29:33 -0500

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> Yea, that's the JOB part of the job, along with the paperwork and other
> administrative junk. I get through it in a lot of different ways. Here are
> a few possible considerations toward your survival on tuning days.

Here's a couple ways I change the grind a little.  I usually tune a maximum of
five pianos per day, no more than four days per week.  On most days after the
first piano I stop at a convenience store and buy a coffee.  I take something
along to read if I have some spare time between appointments, and once in a
while I even pull off in a park, recline my seat and catch forty winks.  While
driving I listen to the radio or a cassette.

I remember the first year I did this job fulltime in 1992.  I felt so fortunate,
driving around in my car between appointments, when other people are often stuck
at one place all day long.  It seemed like I was partly on vacation!  But of
course we know I'm not.

It good to have opportunity to think this through again.  Pardon the rambling.

Regards, Clyde

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