Burnout/another thought on this... Bob B.

Brian Trout btrout@desupernet.net
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 17:33:35 -0500

Awwww, shucks, Bob,

Ya just had to go and bring that one up, didn't ya?  ;-)

Yes, there are times that it seems I get along with the pets better than the
people.  And I am definitely one who will make a fuss over a friendly dog,
or even a cat at times.

I've met some neat ones.  ... I remember this house I went to a while back.
I walked up to the door and rang the bell, and heard this gigantic "WOOF,
WOOF, WOOF", almost made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  So, the
guy opens the door, while hanging onto the dog and says, "You're not afraid
of dogs are you?"  Well, I'm not usually.  So, as I'm walking into the
house, the dog becomes quite friendly, tail wagging, sniffing, begging for
attention.  And the owner says, "Talk to him nice for the first 10 minutes
and he'll show you where the family silver is!"  This was a mix between a
black Lab and a Great Dane, but so sweet.  He came and laid his big ol' head
on my lap at about 15 minute intervals the whole time I was tuning, wanting
a little attention (which he got).  :-)

And then there was one a couple of days ago that I reached down to pet, and
she almost melted into my legs, you know, one of those 'leaners'.

Animals.  I love 'em.  What can I say.

Brian T.

----- Original Message -----
From: <RptBob1@AOL.COM>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Burnout/another thought on this

> In a message dated 12/5/2000 2:17:29 PM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time,
> Ray@Bentley.net writes:
> >
> > I regularly tell people that there are two main reasons I love working
> > their pianos.  The piano is only one reason:  the wonderful people I
> > are the other.  There are many people who wish to visit the entire time
> > working on their piano.  I never discourage this.  I just continue to
> > while they chatter.  It does us both a lot of good.
> >
> >
> I might add to this:  I agree with all of the above and the following :
As I
> progressed with my family, we always had two or three dogs in the house
> As t he kids grew up and moved out on their own, my wife and I began
> traveling a lot and so could no longer be "tied" down by having to care
> pets.  We also never wanted to have to board them in a vet's hospital.  So
> the bonus to me in my piano tuning career, is that I get to visit all
> homes with dogs (and sometimes cats).  I can play with them,and like
> Grandchildren, can then leave without having any responsibilities.  I like
> that part a lot.  I wish there was a "Rent-A-Pet" company out there
> so that you could rent a pet for a weekend, and then just turn them back
> in-no responsibilites.  So the piano business gives me that little extra
> bonus- in addition to meeting the wonderful people with whom you come in
> contact.
> Just another thought.
> Bob Bergantino, RPT
> Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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