May Their Practice rooms be filled with 1098's

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 12:25:05 -0600

>Thanks Ron, I'm the one who posted the "zoom" note. I really don't believe
>that I was springing the pin down as I was tuning it. I had just the same
>amount of trouble trying to knock it down after I got it a little sharp;
>wouldn't go, wouldn't go........Zing!!!!!!!  It really went that time! I'll
>remember your technique next time I approach one of these, though.
>    Last week, I went up to Flagstaff to do some tuning for NAU, their
>regular guy was ill, and before I went, I asked them;"Do you have a bunch of
>Steinway uprights?"  They said no, mostly Yamaha's and Boston's, I
>said, sure!

Hi Kevin,
I'd run into your zoom effect on older S&S verticals, but it's been some
time since I tuned one. What I described was what I ran into with a recent
crop of new ones, but who knows. They may all be doing the zoom this time
next year. I just scheduled another new one for next Friday morning. If I
run into anything "interesting" I'll post impressions. I'm beginning to
suspect it's just plaine olde garden variety evil spirits though.

Ron N

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