HOLD OFF(should be FAQ)[i.e. political]

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 12:37:33 -0600

Ric my friend,
At 06:06 12/05/2000 -0600, you wrote:

>    So.....I just can't pass up commenting on
>the latest "ruling" from Fla.  The Judge said, in effect, "You can't examine
>machine rejected ballots unless you can prove they will be in your favor by
>some other means than examining them."  Where the heck did this "opinion"
>come from, an alligator oracle?

Would my checking the tuning, string by string, of a piano which has 
already jumped out of a pickup at least twice, and has lost some of it's 
cha... er... ah... keys in the process, realistically make a difference?

Likewise, I can't pass up commenting... ;-}

 From up here, we can't tell the difference between 'Gator and Seminole 
oracles, but that judge is a registered Democrat, so the opinion certainly 
couldn't be from the Gore _or_ Bush camps.  So where did he come up with 
those rulings?  From his interpretations of the LAWS passed in Tallahassee 
and Washington, DC, their several COURT interpretations and other pertinent 

You are not alone in your unhappiness of the events surrounding this 
election.  Election laws are written by the state legislatures.

Before (not after) the next election:

1. Research what your state's rules and regulations are concerning 
registration, voting and counting procedures.

2. If you are not happy with what you find, talk with your STATE legislator 
to try to change them.

If you, or I, do neither one, neither one of us will have legitimate 
grounds for complaint in the future.

Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician -mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
Luther College, 700 College Drive, Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
Voice-(319)-387-1204  //  Fax (319)-387-1076(Dept.office)

Education is the best defense against the media.

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