
Ray T. Bentley Ray@Bentley.net
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 09:30:17 -0600

on 12/5/00 8:14 AM, JIMRPT@AOL.COM at JIMRPT@AOL.COM wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> <<"As for cranking out tunings...  I know it's the piano technician's "bread
> and butter".  But I've been thinking if that's what this business is all
> about, I think it's time to find a new profession.  I grow to hate it more
> each and every tuning.   <now where did that come from? that wasn't what we
> were talking about!>
> Brian Trout">>


I think we are fortunate that piano owners for the most part are very
pleasant and kind people.  Remember that your appointment was made because
they care about their piano and the joy it brings to their life.  Our
appointments are optional with them.  They can choose to neglect a piano if
they want, but they can't choose to neglect their plumbing or heating
systems.  Often they are angry and upset when they have to schedule those
types of appointments.

I regularly tell people that there are two main reasons I love working on
their pianos.  The piano is only one reason:  the wonderful people I meet
are the other.  There are many people who wish to visit the entire time I'm
working on their piano.  I never discourage this.  I just continue to work
while they chatter.  It does us both a lot of good.

Regularly I am thanked most appreciatively as I am handed my pay.  I think
that's probably rare among those other professions to visit the homes of
their clients.  Occasionally I let myself in and fill in a blank check left
by the client and lock the door behind me.  These kinds of relationships are
priceless, and I treasure them as such.

These are just a few of the reasons why I feel that we work in one of the
most wonderful professions in the world.  BTW, I also have been told that
among the various professions, only ministers have a longer actuarial life
expectancy than piano tuners.  We're only number 2 among all of the other
professions.  Another great bonus!

Ray T. Bentley, RPT
Alton, IL

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