Historic Pitch Emergency - Help!

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 08:29:56 -0500

Hello list friends. I am in need of fast input. I got a call from a violin
teacher yesterday (my wife took it) requesting a tuning on an 1845
Chickering Grand. I guess she is having some sort of party on Friday, so I
will be tuning it tomorrow morning.

I have never tuned a piano this old. My concern is appropriate instrument
pitch. My understanding is that A440 was not necessarily the standard back
then. What can be said about the most likely pitch this instrument was
designed for? Isn't this around the time that Chickering introduced the
first full cast-iron plate? Maybe it is close to A440?

Being a violin teacher, I assume the owner will be pitch sensitive/aware. I
fully understand that a high pitch may not be realistic, depending on the
condition of the piano (I have not seen it - although it is reported to be
"rebuilt"). I am also aware that she may clearly specify exactly what pitch
she wants it tuned to. But I feel the need to have some basic info on the
pitch such an instrument was designed for. Thanks for any input.

Terry Farrell
Piano Tuning & Service
Tampa, Florida

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