Sufficent light/was: The needed quiet... Ron N.

Brian Trout
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 00:13:28 -0500

Hi Ron,

You asked:
> What's the term for cross wired senses, where people taste sound and smell
> colors?

I don't know what it's called, but I tuned for a guy one time that claimed
that when the tuning was "right", he could see colors.??  I still don't know
what that meant.  A friend of mine tried to explain it, but I never could
get it.

... And I never was able to tune that SF-10 that he could hear colors on it.
'course, nobody else could either.  He never liked the bass (neither did I)
which had been restrung with a cheap set of strings that never 'matched'
each other or the rest of the piano very well.

I guess it's one of those things like historic temperaments.  Some get the
concept and love it... some of us just can't seem to figure it out.

As for cranking out tunings...  I know it's the piano technician's "bread
and butter".  But I've been thinking if that's what this business is all
about, I think it's time to find a new profession.  I grow to hate it more
each and every tuning.   <now where did that come from? that wasn't what we
were talking about!>

Oh,  Ron, I was going to ask you, how's your eyes doing?  You said they were
giving you trouble.  I hope they're doing better.

(At least I didn't bring up anything political!) <grin>

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

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