Sufficent light/was: The needed quiet

Diane Hofstetter
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 03:32:11

>>And there is almost never enough light, is there!?
>>What do you do -- depend on the customer for illumination or do you carry
>>your own?

A number of Christmas seasons ago I was tuning a Baldwin R in the sanctuary 
of a large church, helping get ready for their big annual Christmas 
production.  I no sooner got started when the properties crew arrived with 
their skill saw and started construction of the various backdrops.  So I 
turned the machine to "high, installed stronger earplugs and tuned between 
cuts.  It took a LONG time, the day wore on (and so did I) and the light 
wore out.  About 4:30 someone came in from outside, saw me trying to tune 
the piano and asked in a concerned voice; "Do you need more light?"


Diane Hofstetter
245-M Mount Hermon Rd.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph  831-438-6222
fax 831-430-9741

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