Thanks to Susan Kline

Mon, 4 Dec 2000 20:35:58 -0600

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10:30 PM, and I have the replacement suction box and auto shut off =
switch installed, rewired, and putting the case together when I bumped =
the switch button and it fell out of the switch. I found the button =
under the piano and took the switch body apart. The button was a plastic =
covered dowel that was glued to a plastic disc. I scraped the glue from =
the parts, put a SMALL drop of white glue on the button and a small drop =
of CA to the plastic disc, let the white glue begin to flash, then =
pressed to two together. SHAZAM!!!! Instant bond! Very strong. I smiled =
to myself and said "thank you Susan Kline."=20

And thanks to all who take the time to share their experiences on this =

Paul Chick

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