Broadwood ('The piano' movie)

Overs Pianos
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 04:17:22 +1100

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Richard, Stan and list,

Carl Meyer wrote:
>I remember a square Broadwood on the beach of New Zealand in the 
>movie "The Piano".  The waves were breaking around the legs.  At 
>that time I wasn't aware that squares were made in England or in 
>Europe for that matter.  Great movie but very strange. Carl Meyer
>Yes... even stranger was the sound of that piano... sounded like an 8 foot
>grand or something. Holli-wood---- sheesh..

The piano used for the sound track was a Yamaha. Don't know the 
length, but it was probably a C7. I hasten to add that I did not tune 
for the recording. I also, found it somewhat hard to listen to.

Ron O


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