Is this a physical impossibility?

Susan Kline
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 09:10:28 -0800

>"I love the tonal qualities of the modern piano, but would it be possible
>to design a piano to retain these qualities and yet also be able to
>behave more like a fortepiano when required by the demands of certain
>period fortepiano pieces (e.g., certain passages in some of Beethoven's
>piano sonatas which are hard to play strictly as Beethoven instructed
>unless a fortepiano is used)."

Double string it, so you can get a true una corda?

The trick would be to get clarity in the bass, so all those close
position low patterns wouldn't turn to mud. I imagine some volume
and projection would have to go.

By the way, our yearly Oregon Day Seminar featured a very short
grand rebuilt by Steve Ganz, with the redesign and soundboard by
Del Fandrich. It had a number of unique features, the most astonishing
of which was musicality, even in the low bass. Kudos.


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