May Their Practice rooms be filled with 1098's

Joe & Penny Goss
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:08:38 -0700

Ever tuned one? I service several and the first time the tuning took 2 and a
half houres. Since then all are tuned regurly every year and only usually 15
min extra tuning time. The problem seems to be in the rendering of the
string and tendency for the tuning pin to flag pole a bit. My new shaft
seems to help a bit.
10 1/2 inches long 1/2 inch surgical steel six sided with a ball handle and
#3 tip.
Joe -----

> Okay, as a newbie I don't want to be the only one not in the know:
> what's so bad about a Steinway 1098? Why don't you like servicing them?
> Thanks!

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