Rottweiler in Piano

J Patrick Draine
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 17:45:02 -0500

>At first I figured it was someone I knew - just pulling a stunt, but it
>appeared he was serious.

Nope! While I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the recent telling 
of the "cat in the bass strings" tale, there's a CD of some clowns 
who have done guest appearances on the Howard Stern show, making 
random phone calls with tales of woe, one of them being this 
Rottweiler story. Young lads with underdeveloped senses of humor love 
to reenact the story, and piano technicians are their victims 
(probably less harmful than reliving some of the events outlined in 
Richard Pryor's LPs, but far lower on the artistic scale).
I've gotten the same phone call myself.


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