Using computer to organize business

David M. Porritt
Sun, 03 Dec 2000 15:25:01 -0600


You can just keep different expense categories to keep things straight.  I
have a "personal" category for all non-business activities and then lots of
business categories.  I have no trouble keeping the business related items
from the personal items.  

One change I'm making for next year is to reduce the number of paper items
I need to keep.  I have "Paper Port" software and a fast scanner and I'm
going to keep more stuff on the hard drive - then CD.  I'll probably keep
lots of the papers, but not work so hard to sort them as I hope I'll never
need to find them.


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 12/3/00 at 11:02 AM David Ilvedson, RPT wrote:

>Hi David,
>I think you were the guy that pointed me towards Time & Chaos.  I'm using
>also...6 months or so.   It works well!  Thanks for the info on Quicken
>& Business.  Question:  At this time I am trying to separate the home from
>the business by using Quicken and Quickbooks.  Is there any separation in
>Home and Business?
>David I.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David M. Porritt <>
>To: <>
>Date: Sunday, December 03, 2000 5:59 AM
>Subject: Re: Using computer to organize business
>>I've been using Quicken Home & Business for 2 years now, and it works
>> Time & Chaos for calendar and customer database, and that's all the
>>"essential" software (not that I don't have a lot more!)
>>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>>On 12/2/00 at 7:49 PM David Ilvedson, RPT wrote:
>>>I believe the man is using a Mac...someone on this list is always
>>>his Mac i.e. ''It said Windows 98 or better, so I got a Mac".  I would
>>>he would be a good choice for info...PTBiz is a Windows program I
>>>Quickbooks/Quicken works on both platforms.  I use Quickbooks Pro but it
>>>really has more than I'll ever use.  I have thought of Quicken Home &
>>>Business to have the invoicing...anyone using it?
>>>David I.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Farrell <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Date: Saturday, December 02, 2000 5:30 PM
>>>Subject: Re: Using computer to organize business
>>>I use PTBiz and like it quite a lot. I do my billing with it also. It's
>>>worth looking at. Nice package with call-back and reminder card
>>>Email me if you have any specific questions.
>>>Terry Farrell
>>>Piano Tuning & Service
>>>Tampa, Florida
>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>  From: Doug Garman
>>>  To:
>>>  Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 8:35 AM
>>>  Subject: Using computer to organize business
>>>  This question goes to those of you who use the computer to keep track
>>>your business -- customer records, income, expenses, etc.  I would
>>>like to use the computer to get my growing business organized before I
>>>total control (and valuable customers).
>>>  Do you use one of the software programs written for our professison,
>>>have you come up with your own methods using a spreadsheet or database?
>>>know "Excel" but could learn to use anything.  Rather than reinventing
>>>wheel I want to take advantage of the wealth of experience on the list.
>>>  We just bought a new iMac.  I would like to write some or all of it
>>>business expense.  :o) Yes, the family will use it, too.
>>>  You may respond to me personally at .  If
>>>an example of your spreadsheet or database helps you explain your
>>>please do so.
>>>  Looking forward to your input.
>>>  Doug Garman, Associate, Ft. Worth Chapter
>>>  Granbury, TX
>>David M. Porritt
>>Meadows School of the Arts
>>Southern Methodist University
>>Dallas, TX 75275

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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