Using computer to organize business

Richard Brekne
Sun, 03 Dec 2000 16:30:44 +0100

> David:

I use a program called Commence, which is a highly user configureable
relational database packed into a integrated programe which includes a kalander
and "to do" list. I use it for absolute everything in my buisness.
Appointments, customer list, bills (both in and out), earnings, and basic
information for taxes. Everything is like interelated so that I dont have to
re-enter any previously entered data for each new bill or appointment. And I
can look up all bills and appointments pertaining to any give customer. You can
set this up to include just about any infomation you want about a customer list
/ enterprise.

I also use the same program to track service on the University pianos...
instead of a customer list I have a piano list.

Several options for display of any given data set are available to make the
whole presentation very easy to relate to.

Commence 2000 is available for private users from the magazine PC Plus. They
had it on their website available for download a while ago... check at

Good luck

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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