Damper lift rod

Douglasmahard@AOL.COM Douglasmahard@AOL.COM
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 09:15:06 EST

In a message dated 12/03/2000 1:42:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
RNossaman@KSCABLE.com writes:

<< > Got
 >the action out, and the damper rod is brushing the tops of the damper
 >spoons as it operates.   >>

Hi Ed,

When you get the action out check the angle of the spoons rubbing the lifter 
rod as opposed to the ones not rubbing.  You may find some are severly bent 
inwards towards the action rail.  (These would be the ones that are rubbing 
the lifter rod).  This would be may take after checking tightness of screws 
and bushing wear. 

Doug Mahard

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