Political Soapbox v. Piano Technology/ Here! Here!

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 03 Dec 2000 12:03:18 +0100

I must take issue with Nossaman on this point, as it is a classic example of a
particular disscussion technique that I have found through my life especially
frustrating. Actually there are a couple techniques employed here... but this first
is the one that bugs me most as its kinda has a double whammey effect.

In any given disscusion there many diversions off the subject matter. To divert the
subject matter of a particular discussion breaches that discussion. When this is
used conciously as a tool to "win" a discussion in a debate forum then the judge
will raise his finger and discount the point. If the judge does not intervene and
the opposing party then points out the breach, then he / she indeed  risks being
penalized for the exact same breach. If the judge is not quite impartial...then you
can easily see how this could work very much against the "victim". The one part
could employ virtually any foul in the book to weaken the others position, and the
other part would not be able to even raise an eyebrow with out being penalized for
the offences being regularly committed by the first.

Such is the case below. Rob points rightly so at  the steady and many breaches of
our disscussion forum... and so gets accussed of that same type of breach making
the point very useless. It must be allowed to point out breaches without selve
being judged for breach.

The two techniques in use here are 1) changing the subject matter and 2) the

Now I am as guilty as the next guy of writting off the subject posts.. and
personally dont have much problem with it or others who do the same.. certainly at
some point the amount of this will govern whether I or anyone else will want to
continue. Regardless of that... Rob is certainlly correct in pointing out the
amount of junk mail on this list. And I personnally award him 1 point. Ron gets a 2
point deduction.

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> We seem to have yet another non piano related thread going here bemoaning the
> absence of piano related communication. I submit that the traffic on the list
> is generated by the traffickers on the list, and technical information and
> discussion is posted no more or less often than someone posts it. The previous
> three posts on this subject have done nothing toward increasing the percentage
> of technical, or piano related content. They have, indeed, just raised the
> noise level another notch. As Pogo noted these many years ago, "We have met the
> enemy and he is us". This is apparently still true. Please do stay on, and
> please do comment when you disapprove of list content, but also please do
> contribute something of a technical or piano related nature as an incentive to
> the rest of us. We need a reason to be here too.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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