
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 20:15:54 -0200

Hi again, Richard,

> Cant find the serial number so if any of you can tell me where to 
> look for it I would be happy.

Colt once more:

> Many squares of up to 1836 or later had their dates written in ink 
> or pencil on the bottom key, and occasionally, too, on the last key,
> written either on top of the key lever where it is invisible until 
> the key is removed. On some squares the date and keyboard maker's 
> name occur on the actual keyboard frame, either in the bass or treble
> _under_ the keys, so that only when the action is removed and the 
> keys taken out is this little piece of information visible
> The number is always put on the inside of the dust covers, which are 
> usually green or white.

Since this (like legs, lid, etc.) is missing from the earlier example in
my shop, I's unhappy...


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