Kawai CX-5 Key Slip

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 17:40:37 -0600


    Since you didn't bother quoting the post you're referring to, could you 
remind those of us who might have missed it?


At 06:09 PM 12/02/00 -0500, you wrote:
>      I am not just starting out.I am an RPT with 20 years with the same
>company.Don't go slamming dealers unless you know who you are talking to.I
>work for Jordan Kitt's Music and enjoy my position as Senior Tech and Concert
>and Artist Technician.We have a policy of 100% customer satisfaction and I am
>proud to be part of a team that makes that a reality.I have health
>benifits,insurance paid vacations and a complete office staff to do my
>scheduleing and accounting.I couldn't do that on my own.         Robin Bruce
>Olson RPT Washington DC Chapter.

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