
Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 12:19:17 -0500


Sorta sad, isn't it, that a climate controlled building can have a humidity
variance of 47%.  Is it possible that they have the system turned off except
immediately prior to the audience's arrival?

At the high school where I used to teach (I resigned 1992) the rehearsal room
was to be climate controlled, but the system, while expensive, didn't work
well.  We were eventually told the doors weren't tight enough, and in addition
the humidity would change when the students changed classes every 45 minutes.
Nevertheless, the Baldwin Hamilton there holds its tune much better than the
Everetts in the practice rooms.

Regards, Clyde

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> I did some tuning today at the college with that new vastly expensive state
> of the art computerized climate control system. Their flagship (S&S - B) in
> the auditorium, I last tuned on 10/25 this year at 72° and 70%RH. Today,
> five weeks later, I tuned it at 78° and 23%RH.

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