Busy in Nov/Dec!

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 09:19:47 -0800

Hi Phil..or should i call you "Rook"?

Thanks for your response! I too, prefer calling my customers, as I have 
found at least in my case, that they are more responsive and do indeed seem 
to appreciate my calling to remind them. In my estimation we are also 
"salesman" and if you're good at selling yourself and can communicate 
effectively with your customer(s), than the tuning's in the bag!
I also find that humor is very helpful, and since I have experience as an 
actor, comedian & ventriloquist, I can draw on lots of little fun things to 
interject to win over even the brattiest little one! I also love to 
purposely play something TOTALLY dissonant and "off-key", Immediately AFTER 
the tuning is finished, and i say: "Wow, doesn't your piano sound better 
now?" They laugh, then i play Chopin or similar pleasing piece.


>From: "Phil Bondi" <tito@PhilBondi.com>
>Reply-To: pianotech@ptg.org
>To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
>Subject: Re: Busy in Nov/Dec!
>Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 07:28:15 -0500
>Terry, congrats on being busy and liking it. Dan Reed offers some good
>advice as far as 'trying' to keep the ones you service. I don't send out
>reminder cards..I prefer to call them. I think it offers a more personal
>touch. I'm rather new to this profession myself. I am finding out that most
>people LIKE to be reminded. Of course, there will always be the ones who
>say, "yes, please call me" .. you call them and they don't respond. They 
>not have responded this time, but in doing that, you are doing your
>job(IMH). They may call you in the future.
>I will pass on to you and the list some common sense advice my Dad gave me
>when I started in this business..he was in his own business for 22
>years.."Do good work..get top dollar..you'll always be busy."
>Terry, I'm not bashful when it comes to pricing my worth, and I'm as busy 
>I can be. I may not be the 'best' in my area(by my own judgement), but I am
>prompt and courtious. In most cases, you can set your watch by my
>appointment time with my customers.
>It sounds like you're doing the 'little' things right..if that's the case,
>get ready and be prepared(as much as you can) for the bigger 
>right around the corner for you.

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