American vs Florida efficiency

Phil Bondi
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 07:40:04 -0500

Dear ric,

you said:

> Handpicked or not,  ya'll gonna stand thar and tell me there was no
> collushen between the republican guvner and his republican secty of state
> throw the election to the guvner's Brother???

>From where I sit, I can't disagree more..I believe the Esteemed Jacksonville
technician to my North would also agree with me. Jeb has kept his distance,
at least publicly. Please do not confuse Jeb with George W. They may be
blood brothers, but, personally, they are as far apart as sibs can be. I am
not a registered Republican, and I did not vote for Jeb, but I will  say
that he has maintained an air of professionalism around him during this
fiasco..and that's more than I can say for a few FL. legislators who don't
deserve the time of day, let alone serve in public office.

Rook, (Dem?)

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