Busy in Nov/Dec!

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 12:27:43 +0000

Hey Bob,

That was an exception.  Besides, I don´t have a family to take care of so I 
can plan my appointments the way I like.

Well, on this part of the globe and on the List there is me, Richard 
Brekne, Linda Stråhle, Ola Andersson, Antares is pretty close too, and many 
others in Western Europe.

Were you thinking of more specific coordinates?

No, honestly, there´s enough work for us here.  But they´re OURS OURS OURS!!!
And you´d have to go through us first hohohoho!
And you don´t speak our language teeheehee...


At 23:32 1.12.2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Just how many piano techs...live, work in your part of the globe?
>Be it just you, and the amount of time spent yapping... there could be alot
>  of work..for those who need it!  8~)  imho
> > Anyway, how are you doing on customer relations?
> > Oh well you know, elderly couple. They just luv' the young'uns!
> > Best regards,
> > Kristinn

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